While the use of ohmic testing and analysis of the other measured parameters will identify failing cells or units it does not measure the actual capacity loss as the battery ages. To do that requires a discharge test and as with everything else associated with batteries there are multiple ways in which to carry out that test. The most comprehensive guide as to which test to use and how to do it, is included in the IEEE Recommended Practice for the maintenance of the battery type to be tested. Those Recommended Practices are the basis of this two day course which will include everything from determining the type of test required, carrying out all the pretest requirements and physically doing the discharge on a live battery. Analysis of the discharge data to determine the actual capacity of the battery that the students have just tested will complete the course.
This course is offered in-person only. Contact us to enroll!
Topics Covered:
Why Discharge Testing?
Types of Discharge Test
Determine the Type of Test Required
Pre-Test Requirements
Test Equipment Required
Operational Limitation
Discharge Test
Class Assignments